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句子:商场如战场。 误译:1) Marketplaces are like battlefields.2) Bazaars are like battlefields.3) Department stores are like battlefields.4) Supermarkets are like battlefields. 正译:1) The market is like a battlefield.2) The business world is like a battlefield.3) Business circles are like battlefields.4) Commercial circles are like battlefields. 解释:“商场”有三层意思。一是具体的商场,即出售商品的市场或综合商店。像marketplace和bazaar是“集市”,department store是“百货公司”,supermarket是“超级市场”。用在这里不合适。例如:1. 这是一座专营日用小商品的大商场。 This is a large bazaar that sells mainly small articles of everyday use.2. 我们小区附近有座新建的商场。There is a newly built department store near our residential area. 二是指“商品流通的领域”,相当于抽象意义的“市场”,英语可以用the market表达。例如:3. 现在商场的竞争变得越来越激烈。1) Nowadays the competition in the market has become more and more fierce.2) There is now more and more intense competition in the market. 三是指“商界”,英语可以用 business, the business world, business circles或commercial circles表达。例如:4. 他已在商场磨炼多年。He has tempered himself for years in the business world. 5. 由于几年奋斗的结果,他在商场站住了脚。As a result of several years of hard work, he has gained a solid foothold in business. “职场”可以译为professional circles。“官场”可以译为official circles。例如:6. 他在官场已经混迹多年,谋得一官半职。He has spent years in official circles, occupying a post. |